Love’s Choice was created to take an honest look at the painful beauty of adoption, and to provide tools to help each woman honestly assess the choices before her.

Featured Adoption Stories
Blessed By Two Mothers
The time we have with our Mothers is something that many didn’t get enough of. Diane gives us a beautiful poem written with love as she was blessed with two Mothers being an adopted daughter.
Best Protection for the UNBORN
Ask yourself what is the best protection for the unborn to survive abortion? Statics will amaze you.
Everything to Me by Mark Schultz
This song gets me through every day knowing that I am doing what is best for my baby. I just pray that one day when he is old enough, he knows that I placed him for adoption not because I didn’t want him, but because I knew it was the best option for him. He will always be my baby. (:
Adoption Speaks Out
Birth Mothers – Adoptive Children – Adoptive Parents
Gift of Love
One of the greatest gifts we can give to our children, is our unconditional love. That goes for all parents; birth, foster, or adoptive. StandUpGirl is a champion for the gift of adoption and would...
The Amazing Pro-Life Story Behind Toyota’s Super Bowl Ad and Paralympic Swimmer Jessica Long
Author: KATIE YODER FEB 11, 2021 | After Toyota’s Super Bowl ad captured the touching life story of Paralympic swimmer Jessica Long, the media raced to report on the athlete. But...
I Never Met My Biological Mother
Ryan Jon in an Australian Radio Host & Podcaster has a story to tell. On Mother's day each year he puts out a message to find his biological mother. Watch this heartfelt story of love for...
I Lived on Parker Avenue
Video Credits: Joie De Vivre Media and executive producer, Benjamin Clapper, present “I Lived on Parker Ave.” as its first short documentary.
The More the Merrier
This fall the Foundation welcomed a new member to our board of directors. We want to take this opportunity to introduce our newest team member, Alan O’Kain, and his wonderful and...
Emilie’s Story
On October 24, 2015 my life changed forever. A night of partying with friends turned into a night I was taken advantage of. Little did I know that 280 miles away, on the same night of October 24th,...